Date: Fri, 02 Jan 1998 22:14:11 -0800 From: "The Boudreau's" ( Subject: [BOND] Melissa's Angelghans.- Jamuary's Angel of Brighter Tomorrows Afghan Since this was Melissa Ark's idea full credit should go to the person who developed the idea. To have a desire to want to help others as Melissa does and to create are two different aspects and both are done in love. I have not worked out the total yardage on this and hope to get all of the strips done today. As stated January is the first Angelghan series so we want to keep it basic so that it makes it easier for those who are new as the ISM and welcome aboard. Materials:- Knitting worsted weight yarn Keyplate # 3 on ISM and Bond Keypalte # 7 or 8 on the Elite. Tension:- 18 stiches and 24 rows to 4 inches. on Keyplate # 3 Exact tension in an afghan is not as important as in a garment, but it is better to try to achieve as close a match as possible. I realize that a lot of us will be using acrylics, which will hold up better when washed as not everyone including myself could afford to give away designer afghans, but I plan on making my Bakers dozen a designer Angel afghan done in twelce square of love and in wonderful yarns to be given to a charity to raise funds, that will make out Bakers Dozen theme come true. Before we begin, if you have odd balls of yarn put them in a basket and start knitting, if they are all worsted weight you can knit this in squares as I am including the pillow pattern and how to turn it into a quillwo or backpack depending on whether it will be used by some lucky person who is on the move or one who needs a spare cushion until they need the comfort of the afghan. Using Keyplate # 3 and crochet or closed edge cast on. Cast on 64 stitches. Knit 360 rows. Cast off crochet or closed edge. Strip one is completed. Pillow:- Cst on 64 stitches using closed edge cast on. Knit 84 rows. Cast off crochet or closed edge. Place pillow at the top right sides together and slip stitch together leaving room to be able to join or seam as you go before starting the next strip. If this intimidates you, leave the pillow aside to the end, I will give directions on how to add this later after seaming. Make one more strip. Seaming as you go, the pillow panel is on the left hand side of your carriage and your are joing with wrong sides facing and knitting, purl side to you. Make one more strip and add to opposite side so that the pillow is on the centre panel. Do not add fringe, as pretty as it is, it will get caught in wheelchairs, beds and torn when placed on the loving shoulders of those less fortunate. After completing the above, fold the left panel in, the right panel in, and then starting at the bottom fold it up in quarters until it tucks neatly into the pillow and you can pull the pillow over top of it. If giving to a nursing home this is great as is, if giving to a traveller, put some strong twisted cords on both sides top and bottom crossing in the back similar to an adults backpack this will hold their essentials and blanket close to them. Don't forget to put a little angel in the corner to guide them in all they do. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ----------- I hope to knit this up complete today...the next one will be more advanced using some techniques that do not require any more yarn just adding a bit of variety and teaching us either a new technique or reacquainting us with an old. " Little Angel in my pocket, please take good care of me." " A little Angel knit this, to warm and comfort thee." God luck and what a wonderful way to start the New Year, once again thanks Melissa for the challenge. You are a special angel. Bonding Angel, Linda ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 01 Feb 1998 23:48:26 -0800 From: "" ( Subject: [BOND] February Angelghan - Angel of Love and Warmth. Since Ajay first stated the concept of kntting fgor those who have greater needs that we do, I would like to ddedicate this afghan as an " Ajay Angelghan." Materials:- Knitting worsted weight yarn 40 ounces mc, 10 ounces cc colour. Keyplate # 3 on ISM and Bond and Keyplate # 7 or 8 on the Elite. Tension - 18 stithes and 24 rows to 4 inches on keyplate # 3. Note:- Work on the pillow first to get thef eel of the intarsia technique and or keyplate, and then move onto the afghan as in the basic one, add a shaker stitch each side of the row or invert the intarsia design by reforming the stitched as it faces you following the chart instead of using colour, use purls etc., the choice is yours. Code X = colour or reverse stitch - = knit stitch. XXXXX ------XXXXX XXXXXXXX---XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXX XX This is longer than it will actually be as there is a space in the chart between the rows so the heart will look more realistic as it is knit. Using Keyplate # 3 and your choice of cast on, cast on 64 stitches. knit 25 rows and position chart working pattern from the centre out in each side, have two seperate balls of main colour and one of contrasting colour in the heart shade. Knit to end of chart. Knit 25 more rows. Cast off loosely. Afghan:- Using keyplate # 3 and crochet or cast on of your choice, cast on 64 stitches. knit 25 rows Insert Pattern, Knit 25 rows. Repeat last two rows until desired length or close to 360 rows. You could also change colours every 75 rows and reverse the colour of the heart as well. Second strip ake as above and attache as you go. Third strip make as above and seam as you go. Attach pillow as in Angelghan One - If keeping and adding fringe tie off the fringe with heart buttons or beads make sure the button or bead is above the knot when you tie, add some seam sealant or colourless nailpolis and it will stay put. Centre the pillow on the centre panel on the reverse side with wrong sides togetehr as before. Stitch down both sides and across the bottom, leve the top open for turning. After completing the above, fold the left panel in, thr right panel in, and then starting at the bottom fold it up and in quarters until it tucks neatly into the pillow and you can pull the pillow over top of it. Don't forget to put a little angel in the corner to guide them in all they do. " Little Angel in my pocket, please take cood care of me. " " A little Angel knit this for you, warm and comfort thee." Good luck, love is catching spread it around, Bonding Angel, Linda "Let's love one another, that will accomplish Miracles." ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 22 Feb 1998 23:07:49 -0800 From: FiberArtist-Boudreau ( Subject: [BOND] March - Angelghan - Angel of Luck & Prosperity. This months angelghan is dedicated to LeaAnn MacGregor who has so kindly let all of us get together and share our thoughts and ideas on her list. She not only runs this list, but her own Bond business as well as a home. May your future be one of prosperity, and may we honour LeaAnn with our purchases of Bond products so that Bond will always be available to us all. 12 - 100 gram balls of green worsted weight wool or acrylic. Keyplate # 3 Three-prong transfer tool. Tension - 20 x 28 = 4 inches. Main Panel:- Please read through carefully before starting. Cast on 62 stitches. Knit 6 rows with waste yarn. Knit 4 rows. Work a three x three cable pattern over the centre stitches crossing right over left. * Remove 3 stitches with the 3-prong transfer tool one on each side of the centre "0", and place the right hand stitches on the left hand needles, then place the left hand stitches on the right hand needle. ** To make this easier, take the two stitches each side of the cable and thread either waste yarn, or I prefer a long circular needle through them, it makes it easier to cross and easier to pick up and latch up as you go along. I also place my needles all in forward working position in order to make it knit easier...Knit across slowly. AT THE SAME TIME:- on the 6th needle each side let it ladder down and convert to the shaker stitch, this will give some dimension to your work. AT THE SAME TIME:- count out 6 stitches each side and work a 2 x 2 cable whereby you will be crossing left over right and right over left as described above. MAKE SURE: You should have the following on the long needle on the bottom of the piece. 2 stitches each side of centre cable - one stitch each side for shaker rib, two stitches each side for double cable. These you latch up every 10 rows. X=Knit P=Purl S=Shaker Lace C=Cable SC= Small Cable XXXXXXPPSCSCSCSCPPXXXXXXSXXXXXXPPCCC 0 CCCPPXXXXXSXXXXXXPPSCSCSCSCPPXXXXXX I hope this simplifies the process as I am not an artist when it comes to designing graphics on the computer. Continue in pattern for 240 rows or desired length. You can also add either a magicord cord and weave it through the shaker lace or some ribbon, plaid would be gorgeous done, and add large tassels to the four corners and make this a special March Angelghan. Don't forget to add the angel to the corner to guide and protect all who cuddle under. Bondng Friends, Linda I have only charted this. I am doing year end plus, and have not done much knitting for a bit, but I will do the tension swatch larger and post it to the page so that you can see what this one as well as the other two that I have designed look like. Pride makes us do things well--love makes us do things to perfection. I will take an inside out approach to living. Improving on what is inside will improve the living on the outside.
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Author : Steph Thornton.
Last modified on : 9th November 1999.