I rarely make anything for myself these days as most designs are destined for my online shop or local fairs.
Of course when I received the fabulous Soakbox as my Secret Santa gift from my lovely knitting group friends I decided the finished project had to be just for me.

The kit included a pattern for a pair of fingerless mitts, but I’ve been yearning for a red cowl for a LONG time, so this was my opportunity.
I got out my stitch dictionaries and after 2 evenings and 3 false starts, I decided on a crochet stitch that gave me the look I wanted – lacy but not too fussy, and easy enough to work on in front of the TV without being monotonous.

I can’t tell you how long it too me to make, but by the end of the Christmas break I was wearing it daily. I admit I have only just got round to blocking it, but a week or so later isn’t bad in my book.
Now for the bonus – I was searching through my yarn stash last night and found more of the exact same yarn in a different colourway!
So my next project will be the same as my last – a Fantail Cowl, and this time I’ll write up the pattern to share with you soon.
Lovely gift and what a lovely result. Very pretty cowl